What if you stop loving the person whom you promised to love forever?

Sweet sixteen. I lead a fuckup life. I forgive, but nvr forget. I do stuffs w/o thinking. I have th worst attitude in the world. I laugh, cry, bitch, scream, whine, and of course, i bite. I can be super ultra friendly, but dont test my patience. I have wonderful friends. People are always walking in and out of my life, like a hotel. Im immune to these heartache. Hug th broken, kiss th pain, befriend th lonely. I dont understand love anymore. ♥ Justin Bieber & Taylor Swift. Im Wenting, you?
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Sometimes, i get jealous thinking that someone else could make you happier than i could.

Autophobia, the fear of being alone.

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“Cause love never runs out”
February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 October 2011 November 2011 February 2012

Monday, April 18, 2011 || 9:59 PM

Every word you said, stays in my mind. Every actions you make, stays in my mind. Every expression you make, stays in my mind. Every text you sent, stays in my mind. Everything related to you, it just stays in my mind <3
Hello, it has been long since i touch my blog. Things are gradually getting better. I ignore things that are meant to be ignored. And focus on stuffs that are worth focusing for. 'After a rainfall comes a rainbow.' Yeah, it did. 'Nobody promise that everything will be alright, but they promise that everything will be worth it.' Yes, everything is worth it. I suffered, alotalot. Mayb that's th price i have t pay to be happy. Im happy with my life now. Let go of th old ones to welcome th new ones. Imperfections are the ones that makes you perfect. Yeah, i have alot of flaws. I've got bad attitude, i suck, im childish, im bitchy. Whatever. Are you perfect? I wasn't born to please everyone. I have my own life, stop interfering , if you dont have a life, then go get a life. Grow up. There are many other things worth for you t chase for, stop wasting your time. Oh w/e. I think i should stop whining.
Omgeeeeeeeeeeeee, tomorrow is 19 April, gosh bieber concert. I bet he's in Singapore now. CANT WAIT FOR TOMORROW. hiakhiakhiak. K, bye.

Sunday, April 10, 2011 || 11:51 AM


Wednesday, April 6, 2011 || 7:41 PM

Bestfriends, ♥ . They're th ones who make me laugh everyday without fail . We gone through thick and thin together . They're always there for me when im sad, they catch me when i fall. I never had friends so real. I'll never forget th fun we had,

Im feeling alot better already. Mugging for common test these few days. Didn't really had time t study and sleep. Weekends are all packed. Made some really cool friends. Working @ Mac is real cool. It's like Greendale's Mac. HAHAH. Just a short post, im doing. Okie, bye.

I'm smiling.